Saturday, May 15, 2010

takes one to know

How could she hate her mother? Anna didn't want to. But she'd been a long time without her mother and was just fine. Now she had her back. It was hard. So hard. Going by the rules.

"But I don't want to, Mom?" She hated this Tyler thing. "Why not, Jeremy? Why not?" They were in a new century. The Gilberts weren't Vampire haters. Really.

"You have to be careful." Her mother kept reminding her.

"Well, I am?" Anna didn't mean to sass back. Perhaps it would help if her Mom had someone to help. A vampire in need, perhaps. Forget these humans, her Mom needed someone who would take her mind off things and who could do that better than Ben, the bartender.

Yes, he was quite a handful. Damien already thought he was dead, but luckily, Anna had saved him from the fire.

"Mom, I want you to meet someone." She looked at her Mom blankly now. As if she really needed her help. "I've kept him kind of sedated as of late because he's a bit for me to handle. I'm sorry. I just thought he could help me, with everything going on in Mystic Falls. But, if anyone can handle a fresh vamp, its you mom. And he's easy on the eyes. And well, could you show him the ways. How he could really be an asset to us, instead of just an ass." Anna couldn't help but smile.

Her mother slightly fretted. And then she saw Ben at her bedroom door. All shiny and new. Sexy, too. Now she had her Mom smiling.

"Do you like?" Anna grinned, proudly. Her mom didn't have to say a thing. She could see her summoning Ben with her eyes already. Yeah, Anna was sure of it now, her mom had a lot of catching up to do in this century.


ellie said...

cool. i did like him.

blue hearts said...

That was nice of Anna..=D

degrassi after hours said...

Isn't her Mom lucky.

gossip girl gone vamps said...

Yeah, she needs some fun. Seriously.

Anonymous said...

Yeah..he's cool

Feny said...

Very cool! Hey, I waiting for next chapter^^

he and him said...

love him.

Anonymous said...

I love Ben.